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Tickling the English


Dara O Briain



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Google Book Details:

DescriptionTRAVEL WRITING. Nostalgia, identity, eccentricity, gin drinking and occasional violence...these are just some of the themes that stand-up comedian Dara O Briain explores in "Tickling the English". O Briain moved to England many years ago, but when he takes his show on tour around the country it's clear to him that his adopted home is still a bit of an enigma. Why do the English pretend to be unhappy all the time? Why can't they accept they rank about 5th, in everything? And what's with all the fudge? Swapping anecdotes with his audiences and spending time wandering in their hometowns, this nosy neighbour holds England up to the light while exploring some of the attitudes he brought over here with him too. As Dara goes door-to-door in search of England in this part tour diary, part travelogue, the result is an affectionate, hilarious and often eye-opening journey through the Sceptred Isle.
Release Date2009
AuthorDara O Briain
FormatDimensions 16.1x9.5x1.1 cm
310 pages
PublisherMichael Joseph
Subject(s)Humor / Topic / Politics
Travel / General
Travel / Essays & Travelogues

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